Sunday, December 09, 2007

10 Reasons NOT to be back home

Yes, I know it's just the 1st day BUT:

1) Allergy: already sneezing like hell, *Aichooooo*

2) I'm have to "babysit" my parents & listen to their 24/7 naggings.

3) Unsatisfactory showers (water pressure too low & can't find shampoo)

4) Internet too slowwwwww (56K dial-up)

5) It's HOT (but at least not so many flies lar)

6) A day w/out a car=a day as a bird in the cage

7) Many ppl not around or busy working lor

8) Freedom limitations, duh!

9) Can't find my stuff lerh! Dunno which corner of the room it's hiding in.....hmmmm

10) Haha mayb it's not that bad lar!

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